There comes a time — as you board a train, usually — when you realize you have become hopelessly dependent on your smart phone. It reminds you of this by going dead, taking with it your digital ticket, the name of your stop, directions to your meeting, details on the person you’re meeting, and your money. Frustrated, you throw it to the ground in childish rage, it smashes, and you now have no way to get home.

You need a backup plan, and the PowerShadow case by Spyder could be it. Just putting it on your iPhone will protect your digital life from your tantrums. And the case includes its own very thin battery. So when your phone goes dead, you just push a button on the case to bring the handset back to life and to recharge its battery. LEDs on the back of the case tell you how much of your backup power is left, and you can charge battery and phone using a microUSB cable — either the one that came with your iPhone or one of the slick docks that Spyder makes to go with the PowerShadow cases.

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